DND 5e Campaign Ideas

DND 5e Campaign Ideas

Okay, individuals. I’ve got an awful great deal of ideas regarding what sort of video game would be fun to run, yet I wish to ensure that I’m putting stuff in front of you that you’re thinking about. Several of us have played together previously, but that’s primarily not the case. So, I would certainly such as to pitch a couple of concepts your method. If any one of them excites you, let me know. If nothing’s fairly doing it, tell me why. I’m more than delighted to kitbash a number of these with each other if you like the style of one, yet the theme of another. If you desire to be a grim and gritty adventuring academy, much less Harry Potter and more Game of Thrones, I can probably do that.

I’m providing these 30,000 feet introductions of possible campaigns with five little sliders: Politics, Roleplay, Magic, Combat, and Lethality. National politics can be checked out as intrigues, weaves, subtle machinations (yours and your allies, and adversaries!). Roleplay is personal character advancement, personality arcs, and the social column of the video game. Magic is a basic level of the wondrous that you can expect to see. Combat is a basic guideline on exactly how typically we’ll be rolling campaigns and reaching for weapons. Lethality is just how likely you are to need a different personality waiting in the wings.

I’m likewise adding a Player Buy-In to every of these. It’s what I’ll be expecting from you as a player to ensure that the game will be an enjoyable experience. I’ve been familiar with you all as gamers, resulting from the number of characters I’ve seen you construct. Yet, that doesn’t mean I recognize what you delight in yet.

Campaign Ideas For DND 5e

1. Searching For Tanelorne (D&D Classic)

More in the spirit of traditional D&D, the players are Ratcatchers, traveling adventurers who turn up in a small town abutting the substantial and undiscovered wilderness of the Lirinwood. With a rough map cobbled together from the tale, rumor, and also more than a bit of guesswork, the adventurers prepare an exploration into bushes, trying to find the lost city of Tanelorne and also the treasures of the fantastic fallen realm.

  • National politics: Low.
  • Roleplay: Medium.
  • Magic: Low.
  • Combat: High.
  • Lethality: Medium.

Buy In: The old school style of play where the DM simply drops you in a town bordered by wilderness, and also you have to work your very own stuff out needs to appear great. Not a great deal of rails, not a lot of NPCs with apparent hooks, just a great deal of rumors, as well as a lot of wilderness to check out. Self-direction is a must.

2. Into the Maelstrom (Meatgrinder Megadungeon)

The Catacombs underneath Castle Greymark were the best feat of engineering of the last age, still extending much below the messed up castle outside the village of Ostmark. Reports distribute that a reckless band of prize hunters has lately cleared a covered flow introducing the catacombs. The survivors have returned with sacks of gold and stories that chill the blood. The catacombs, they say, are home to the prizes of a past age, sneaky catches, and vicious factions waiting at night below.

  • National politics: Low.
  • Roleplay: Low (But not none!).
  • Magic: Medium.
  • Fight: High.
  • Lethality: High.

Buy In: Basically, it has to seem great to delve into this massive dungeon where there are sites to pocket dimensions and hidden, secret races plotting and unscrupulous. It’ll be much more tightly constrained than my typical world-hopping expedition, but there will undoubtedly be lots of door-kicking as well as room-looting … D&D, the beer-and-pretzels RPG.

3. The Great Game (Crossing Dragons)

Xorvintaal, the Great Game of Wyrms, is frequently played, making use of mortal instruments as catspaws. Dragons function behind the scenes, forming temporal history to win trumps and status in the Conclave of Dragons. Complying with the death of well-off merchant Orin Karheart, you are caught up in a video game of ineffable complexity as well as deadly stakes. Will you safeguard patronage? Will you be the initial people to go into the game in earnest? Can you win?

  • National Politics: Medium (Possibly High).
  • Roleplay: High.
  • Magic: Medium.
  • Fight: Medium.
  • Lethality: Low.

Buy In: This one’s going to require a job from you individuals. I could have you playing Dragons on the sideline throughout the week, aiding me to outline these oriental twists and turns. At the minimum, I’ll require some stress points for your personalities that dragons can squeeze. If running heists and false flags and double-blinds and being adjusted from every angle does not appear fun, this probably isn’t mosting likely to be a great time.

4. The Right Sort (Heists in a City of Adventure)

The streets as well as streets of Ilien are the veins whereby the lifeblood of the Empire programs. Gold rushes in and out with every beat of the city’s substantial heart. It’s just ideal and suitable that you ought to have your share. You are amongst the Right Sort of Ilien: the thieves, rogues, rascals that squeeze out their living in the best city in the world. Not common cutpurses. Or you won’t be if you can survive the mean roads and their factions, the tender ministrations of the city watch, and the back corner outlining of your rivals. Discover a mark. Make a plan. Obtain the goods. Live the life.

  • Politics: High.
  • Roleplay: High.
  • Magic: Medium.
  • Fight: Low.
  • Lethality: Medium.

Buy In: I desire you all to interact to make a street gang that’s starving and also promising. Heists will be the order of business, and there will certainly be a great deal of variety as to the kind of things you’ll most likely be doing. Instructions of the gang/guild remain in your hands, and the huge plots will walk around you but won’t necessarily have to do with you. I do not desire all Rogues because this game is mosting likely to call for some wider field of expertise. If dream break-in stuff in a huge, intricate city does not sound fun? Not for you.

5. Last Exam (Adventurer Academy)

In the Realms of Mettierre, travelers need to be accredited to exercise their profession similar to any other knowledgeable occupation. According to that end, the Delver’s Academy of Riftwold was established to offer requisite prep work to all dewy-eyed hopefuls before setting out into the globe. You are nearing graduation. All that stands before you and also a full-fledged subscription with all requisite documents is the final examination.

  • Politics: Medium.
  • Roleplay: Medium.
  • Magic: High.
  • Fight: High.
  • Lethality: Low.

Buy In: This will most likely be a lighter as well as a fluffier trip. It may dovetail easily right into a couple of the various other campaign concepts, yet your low-level trips will undoubtedly be “Field Trips.” Then as you come close to the second rate, you’ll be up against the clock as well as other prospective graduates to complete your large “Final Exam.” Anticipate much more levity, much less lethality. Obstacles will certainly still be genuine, and repeated failing could end up with your rinsing of the Academy. However, the large buy-in, the concept of a world where being an adventurer is a job selection, and folks who do not start off good at it, has to seem cool.

6. The Fey Acre (Fairy Tales are Not Nice)

The Lirinwood has constantly been out of bounds to the citizens of Brinhallow. However, the drowsy little community conducts its day-to-day events in the shadow of the sprawling twisted wilds, however never in it. The wall surface was currently ancient when they settled there. Or that’s what they say anyway. Maybe that’s why the old gaffers in the Crook and Whistle are so riled to see that a person of the old stones has befallen of place. They’re lugging iron with them now, any place they go, as well as spreading salt in entrances. Youthful folk does not pay it much mind. Of course, the smoke rising from the midsts of the Lirinwood does feel like a growing worry …

  • Politics: Medium.
  • Roleplay: High.
  • Magic: High.
  • Combat: Medium.
  • Lethality: Medium.

Buy-In: This one is mosting likely to need you to devote to a narrative right out of eviction. Points are mosting likely to go wrong quite quickly in Brinhallow, and while “We leave” is a genuine solution, I’m telling you that you’re going to have more fun if you think of this more like a module with left and ideal bounds. Consider the “In Search of Tanelorne” trigger up there, the jumping-off factor. But from there, comprehend that the world will certainly not be as massive and expansive. It might feel a little a lot more direct, though the character option is still paramount.

7. D’Wee, Robham, and Hao: Freelance Acquisition Solutions (Treasure Hunt of the Week)

The world teems with locations of ancient wonder as well as resting power. The tricks of fallen realms lay fallow, brilliant, and starving for such time as mortal agents take them up one more time. Heaps of prize lay scattered through cunning warrens and lightless caverns. As well as a person’s gotta go as well as pilfer them! You are a freelance treasure-hunting firm funded by three retired adventurers contracted to pilfer tombs, ransack catacombs, as well as generally stick your noses into the dark and also dirty locations of the globe. It’s a great job. The pay’s affordable, the health plan fits in your pack, and also burial costs are billable to the firm. Join today!

  • National politics: Low.
  • Roleplay: Medium.
  • Magic: Medium.
  • Battle: High.
  • Lethality: Medium.

Buy-In: This is a little like the Meatgrinder Megadungeon, however much less happily harsh. It’ll be light-hearted for the most part, your companies are going to be gleeful psychos, but I figure it’ll possibly have a fairly wide psychological combination. For buy-in, I’m going to need you to be alright with playing a brief introductory rundown scene and afterward crushing a dungeon or wreck. We’ll throw in some downtime between adventures, but there’s most likely to be a stunted social column in this game. Bring me a grave-robber/treasure hunter, as well as you’ll have a tremendously much better time than a con artist.

Also Read:

8. Dragons Go “Meow” (Something Completely Different)

It’s a large and unsafe globe around. Especially when you’re only several inches high. You are noble Far-striders, adventuring rats charged with the responsibility and honor of defending the citizens of The Garden from the various risks that look for to end Mouse-kind. Today, it is poisoned grain left out by the Giants. Tomorrow it may be an attack by the Black Masks of Tincan. It may well be something even worse. It may well go “Meow.”

  • National politics: Medium.
  • Roleplay: High.
  • Magic: Low.
  • Combat: Medium.
  • Lethality: Medium.

Buy In: This is the one that’s probably going to be the trickiest for everyone at the table. The central conceit sounds extremely fun to me since that isn’t simply a little fed up with the old standby fantasy-world in trouble kind of video game? From players, I’m mosting likely to need a readiness to flavor a lot of points. There’s going to be a fresh coat of fluff over acquainted D&D crisis. There are no humans, no dwarves, no Dragonborn. You’ll be playing a field mouse, or a vole, or possibly a gecko. If that, as well as taking care of natural threats with a fairy-tale gloss, does not sound like a good time, this isn’t the advocate for you.

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